Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Shop update!

etsy shop!
Finally have some dresses up on etsy! I know it's not much right now, but I was just wanting so badly to post them and move on with other things I needed to finish hehe. (Like homework!!) I hope I can sew some more this week. It has been my therapy since I started having off days with the boyfriend. Sadly, there are midterms and projects and other things to be done now that we're in the 4th week of the quarter!

P.S. to all you lovely people who tried to cheer me up and encourage me over last week, I LOVE YOU. Sorry if I wasn't able to respond to all of your FMs, replies, messages, etc. but I was just feeling so burnt out and not wanting to talk more about it after I posted /: Sometimes I just need to get things off my chest and let it out. And often, if I do it in a public arena, I feel like it's really just lifted up, and it makes me feel more "okay" for having such feelings, etc. etc.

In other news, it's exactly one month to my birthday today hehe (: I am not as excited about it as I used to be - a sign that I'm getting old! xD

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