Monday, May 27, 2013

Birthday shenanigans! :)

Random birthday details to record for future reference! I had a great weekend, thanks to all of my friends and family! I didn't get to see everyone I wanted to see or do everything I wanted to do, but all in all, it was really nice!

I received some cool things from Brii along with the SP Miyu head I adopted from her ^^

And earlier this month, this awesome gift from Neko-chan! Everything is sooo super cute! She sent me so much, too T__T!! Thank you so much, Neko-chan! You really know how to spoil me, hehe :) This gift came at such a low point in the quarter! It was perfect *hugs*


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This is the birthday card my brother gave me. It has pawprints from all three of our dogs xD It was great hearing his methods with each dog. I have a super hyper one + a really old one, so I can only imagine how hard it was to do!


This was the first year he and my parents gave me money for my birthday! I used the money he gave me that night to buy Tokidoki stuff D: It's like they put on the sale just for my birthday! I got 6 - three of which I really wanted, and 3 which snuck their way into my cart xD

My mom and dad, as mentioned above, gave me money. They were originally going to buy me a new iphone 5, but since I've been going back and forth about different phones, they just gave me the cash haha. I am so not an Apple lover, but I can't bring myself to like any of the other available smartphones on the market /: My bestie at SCU also brought cupcakes for me to my class! They were super yummy. And her husband, who I never met, got me an itunes gift card! How funny! And then we went with my family to Tomi's for dinner. We ended up waiting there for an hour x_x;;


The best part of the day was stumbling across this bookstore that sold the most adorable greeting cards! We also spotted these two - Liam the llama and Ginger the giraffe! My friend immediately took them from my hands and ended up buying them for me ^^ When we first saw them, we wondered why the llama was so much bigger than the giraffe, despite being made by the same company. And then I had the idea to make them an odd couple :))) Yay!

Basically, I felt loved and spoiled and special this weekend! :) It was great!


  1. :D aww!! I'm so glad you enjoyed your birthdaay :D:D:D!! haha your giraffe-llama couple are SO CUUUTE awwwnn haha <33333

    1. Yayy :D Thank you! And your gift! I still am loving it to this day hehe ^__^!
